Product name:Titanium Nitride Nanopowder 30-50nm
Molecular Formula:TiN
Molecular Weight:N/A
Description of Titanium Nitride Nanopowder 30-50nm:
Purity: 97.5-99%
[O] < 1%
free [Si] <0.4%
APS: 30-50 nm
SSA: 80 m2/g
True density: 5.22 g/cm3
Bulk density: 0.08 g/cm3
Crystal cell: Face Center Cubic
Color: Gray White
Some applications:
TiN nanopowders may be used as Barrier layer in contact and interconnect metallizations, Bio-materials, Cutting tools, Mould, Gate electrode in metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) transistors, Low-barrier Schottky diode, IR absorber, Nanocomposites of ceramics and polymer, Optical devices in aggressive environments, Plastic molds, Prostheses, Surgical Device, Wear-resistant coating with some of properties above.
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